
An entrepreneurial company that’s focused on seeing property as more than just a shell to generate rent from, but on the many possibilities to create new and exciting experiences.



Where they were/
Moorgarth is an asset management company working in the retail, serviced-office and leisure sectors. These markets are tough but Moorgarth sees these challenges as an opportunity and responds in many innovative ways; creating modern, sought-after destinations that serve the needs of the local community. Their communication materials lacked the inspiration, clarity, or sense of purpose we could see in the team. Our aim was to ensure their specialness was put in the spotlight.



Where we took them/
Our research and strategic workshop shone a light on what made Moorgarth different: they’re a group of visionaries who see the possibilities in space and have the confidence to propose ambitious plans; doing whatever it takes to make them happen. Our brand proposition; “Maximise your property’s potential” was borne out of this insight. They had strong values around involving the community and collaborating with local authorities which also played an important part in their messaging.



Their new strapline “We don’t see property, we see possibilities” accompanies a new, refreshed logo complete with ‘visionary eyes’. It’s a flexible marque that allows us to be playful using colour and images to reflect their attitude of ‘being open to possibilities’.



Our ‘Reasons to choose Moorgarth’ provided much needed clarity to convey to landlords and Local Authorities why a collaboration with Moorgarth would be such a benefit and positive experience. A small A6 brochure being an ideal handout at the numerous industry events they attend.



We created a new website that reflects what makes Moorgarth special and really gets across the energetic and friendly spirit of the team. A blog area gives them the opportunity to express their many opinions around sector innovation to position themselves as thought-leaders.



A PowerPoint proposal template and sales presenter were two of many business communication tools in their new brand toolkit, making sure they’ll always deliver the right impression from the start.



A set of brand guidelines ensures the Moorgarth team and any creative partners bring the brand to life with confidence and that their new identity is applied accurately and consistently.

Get in touch /

Lyness Loseby Limited,
The Old Vicarage

Contact /

Ian Loseby
07798 726443

Case studies /

  • Taking spaces to new places

    Moorgarth sees property as more than just a shell to generate rent from; they create modern, sought-after destinations that serve the needs of the local community. Their brand however, lacked the inspiration, clarity, or sense of purpose we could see in the team.Read more /

Projects /

  • Turning staff into photographers

    The Workhaus build all sorts of amazing, one-off structures for museums and their special exhibitions. But they couldn’t afford a photographer to capture the finished products or the step-by-step process behind them.Read more /